Ballinamore Golf Club Code of Conduct Policy 2023
Code of Conduct
Complaint Form
1. Introduction:
The purpose of this code is to assist members and guests of Ballinamore Golf Club to identify and appreciate the standard of behaviour expected from them, and shall apply at all times when attending Ballinamore Golf Club or when representing Ballinamore Golf Club. R&A Rule 1.2 – Standards of Player Conduct outlines that all players are expected to play in “The Spirit of the Game”.
2. Code of Conduct
Ballinamore Golf Club has adopted the following Code of Conduct as a Local Rule.
As a member of Ballinamore Golf Club a certain standard of behaviour is expected that reflects the basic requirements of sportsmanship, integrity, courtesy and respect to be shown to all members, competitors, staff, officials and the public. Without limiting the basic requirements of sportsmanship, integrity, courtesy, and respect, matters of conduct likely to reflect unfavourably on the game include but are not limited to:
Bad temper, club throwing, foul and abusive language.
Failure to adhere to “The Rules of Golf”, “The Rules of Handicapping” and the etiquette of the game of golf.
Unsporting behaviour and unnecessary gamesmanship.
Physical violence and threatening behaviour.
Falsifying any handicap, membership, competition card or entry form.
Member has knowingly cheated in a competition.
A person engaging in any behaviour that may be detrimental to the game of golf in Ballinamore Golf Club is in breach of the code of conduct and should be reported. It is in the best interest of the game and the golf club that such behaviour is reported and all players, club members and members of the public are encouraged, and have a duty, to report such behaviour.
3. Complaints Procedure
Complaints may be made by any person including a competitor, member, visiting guest or other associated golf club members, and members of the public.
On seeing or suspecting that any of the standards of behaviour listed above have been breached, the complaints procedure for Ballinamore Golf Club is as follows;
1. Approach the player in question and inform the player what you have witnessed and that you intend to complete a complaint form.
2. Fill out and sign a complaint form, (within 3 days) outlining the nature of the issue, giving the date, time and other witnesses (if any), to the issue (complaint forms are available to complete online through the Ballinamore Golf Club website “Complaint Form" below and are available in hard copy on the men’s and ladies’ noticeboards).
3. Hard copy complaint forms must be placed in the “complaints box” in the front office.
4. The complaints committee of Ballinamore Golf Club will be responsible for adjudicating on code of conduct complaints and for keeping all parties involved, informed about the complaint process
4. Grading of the complaints
All complaints are to be graded 1 to 3, with one being the lightest grading and three being the most serious. This is done by reference to Appendix 1 and the following notes. The complaints committee are required to determine the grading of the offence. The grading allocated will determine the action to be taken (Appendix 2) and the potential penalty a player/member may receive. Therefore, consistency of grading across offences is important and it is a requirement that records are kept to support the grading process.
On some occasions, the complaints committee may not recommend a grading because of the seriousness of an incident and may have to consult with An Garda Síochána.
5. Decisions and Penalties
The complaints committee tasked with code of conduct complaints, will meet as required to perform the following functions:
Review the signed complaint forms and grade the complaints 1 to 3 according to appendix 1 ensuring consistency in application of grading.
Consider appeals to any penalty offence previously adjudicated on.
Where necessary hold investigations, including a hearing into the complaint or appeal.
Appendix 2 below, will form the template of any penalties to be applied.
Notice of any hearing of the complaints committee shall be given, in the case of a complaint, to the person or persons the subject of the complaint and the complainant.
In the case of an appeal, notice of any hearing of the complaints committee shall be given to the persons affected by the appeal and the appellant.
The notice will specify the date, time and venue of any hearing and will be accompanied by copies of all material relevant to the complaint. The notice will also specify that the parties are required to attend in person, with the opportunity to have representation attend also. Hearings will be in private with only the accused and his/her representative and the complaints committee.
Appendix 1 - Offences
General examples of grading of complaints of conduct likely to bring the game into disrepute.
Grade 1 Offences
Bad Language and ill-mannered behaviour.
Improper treatment of equipment, including throwing of clubs.
Use of golf clubs other than within the intentions of the game, damaging trees, hitting flag poles with clubs etc.
Failure to complete a round when representing the club in any sanctioned tournament/inter-club match.
Grade 2 Offences
Behaviour bringing the club into disrepute.
Theft of minor items.
Excessive or offensive bad language.
Using social media in connection with the club, its officials, members or non-members in a manner which could be deemed offensive or threatening.
Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour to another player or member.
Breaking clubs in anger.
Grade 3 Offences
Any serious misuse of alcohol or drugs on the course or club premises.
Serious theft.
Assaulting any player, official, member, guest or member of the public.
Sexual or verbal harassment/bullying
Appendix 2 - Penalties
Grade 1 Offence
If no previous offence has been committed, any one of the following processes will be adopted;
1. Verbal warning with notice on file.
2. Written warning issued to the member.
3. Penalty of suspension imposed by the complaints committee.
4. If the next incident is a Grade 2 offence, then that process will override the above.
Grade 2 Offence
If no previous offence has been committed, any one of the following actions may be adopted;
1. Written warning issued to the member.
2. Suspension of handicap from club competitions.
3. Penalty of suspension from the golf club imposed by the complaints committee.
4. Penalty of expulsion as determined by the complaints committee.
Grade 3 Offence
Depending on the seriousness of the offence, any one of the following actions may be adopted;
1. Written warning issued to the member.
2. Penalty of suspension imposed by the complaints committee.
3. Penalty of expulsion as determined by the complaints committee.
4. Complaint passed onto An Garda Síochána.
If the offence is considered serious, or if there are other recent offences, then a grade can be passed at the discretion of the complaints committee.
Code of Conduct
Complaint Form